Linkingpress services for PR agencies

Linkingpress services for PR AgenciesLinkingpress services for PR agencies include the possibility of getting guaranteed publications in online media and blogs, as well as the writing, distribution and monitoring of press releases among leading journalists and bloggers from different countries, with guaranteed results, even on radios*.

In addition, the guaranteed publications include a link to the client’s website that will help you improve your search engine rankings.

En definitiva, los servicios de Linkingpress para agencias de Relaciones Públicas les ayudan a conseguir resultados relevantes para sus clientes, incluida la inclusión de backlinks en las publicaciones.

Panorama actual de los medios

Media are facing 3 different crises that also affect PR agencies.

  • Economic crisis: Media attract less advertising budgets from companies and brands. This has led to the closure of numerous media around the world.
  • Model crisis: With the reduction of budgets, the media have fewer journalists and fewer media to carry out their information activities.
  • Credibility crisis: The media have seen their credibility compromised due to various factors: agility to cover news, dependence on economic and political powers, submission to advertisers, clear ideological positioning, use of linkbaiting strategies, among others.

Current customer requirements

Ante estas tres crisis mediáticas, las agencias de relaciones públicas luchan por conseguir los resultados que exigen sus clientes. Algunos de los problemas que enfrentan las agencias de RRPP son:

  • Less and less space in the media to include customer messages.
  • Cada vez hay menos periodistas para cubrir sectores muy amplios.
  • Less specialization among journalists to understand issues that can be very complex

Linkingpress services for PR AgenciesLas necesidades de los clientes se han vuelto más complejas y difíciles de satisfacer. Lo que demandan los clientes en ocasiones va más allá del ámbito clásico de las agencias de Relaciones Públicas:

  • Publicaciones garantizadas en medios y blogs.
  • Publicaciones en un tiempo determinado.
  • Publications that include a DO-FOLLOW backlink to the client’s website.

Having to survive with this reality, agencies require partners to help them meet some of their clients’ demands in an agile, reliable way and at an affordable cost.

This is why Linkingpress’s relationship with agencies is governed by strict confidentiality and total discretion regarding the projects that we carry out jointly.

Linkingpress PR agency services

Linkingpress’s services for PR agencies are designed to help them achieve the results that their clients demand:

  • Direct purchasing of articles promoted in online media and blogs. Public relations agencies will be able to choose from more than 6,000 online newspapers and blogs to include their clients’ content with the total assurance that they will be published.
  • DO-FOLLOW Backlinks included **. Among our wide portfolio of online media and high quality blogs, PR agencies will find multiple options for guest posts that include DO-FOLLOW backlinks.
  • Drafting, distribution and follow up of press releases with guaranteed results. Linkingpress help agencies when there is a overload of work (realistic results has to be previously agreed by both parties).
  • Otros servicios de marketing At Linkingpress we help Public Relations agencies with marketing services such as community management, search engine advertising, social networks and online media, among others.

Linkingpress services for PR AgenciesLinkingpress services for  PR agencies has plenty of advantages: 

  • Compras individuales. Our services can be purchased individually; starting from a small project to help complete a report that requires a greater number of results to an important set of actions that can be prolonged over time. We have no problem signing a confidentiality agreement if needed.
  • Para todos los presupuestos Nuestros servicios comienzan con precios tan bajos como 10 USD para que las agencias de relaciones públicas puedan aprovechar todas sus ventajas sin perder los márgenes que tienen con sus clientes.
  • Garantía de devolución de dinero. If we cannot deliver a given guest post, we will refund the money or credit it to your account.  Is totally, up to you.  It is your money! A unique guarantee on the market.

How to purchase Linkingpress services for PR agencies

Linkingpress services are contracted directly on the platform, in such a way that intermediaries are eliminated, they are done with total discretion and there is the assurance that a certain result will be obtained. That is, there are no surprises about what you will get for each investment. What you pay for is what you get.

In addition, at Linkingpress we offer a refund of the money if a project of the publication of a guest post cannot be carried out, a guarantee that makes us unique in the market.

The process is simple, as shown in this video:

Register now your Public Relations agency so you  can start enjoying all the benefits we offer through our specialized services.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you. Click on our chat to talk to us right now. You can also click on our mascot Elink to choose a free advice with our specialists.

Book now a free 1 to 1 call with Linkingpress

Remember that you can always contact us in writing for any question you want to ask us in writing


    Agencias RRPP