Is it getting harder to be indexed in Google?

Indexed in Google

Is it getting harder to be indexed in Google?

In the past few months, webmasters and administrators have complained that some parts of their websites are not being indexed. Only parts of it, and no matter what they do, certain pages resist being indexed.

This is of course bringing the question: Is it getting indexed by Google getting harder?


Indexed in Google:  The nature of the Search Engine

When we look at a Search Engine, we need to understand something, it is a business and its final meaning is to earn money. When we see search engines like Google or Bing, they are designed to make a profit. That’s for sure. So organic search is usually in second place for them. Remember they prefer to put all of their efforts into selling ads. If this is the case, why would a search engine would made a conscious effort to make everything rank?

This is something to make you think about… Is the reason that it is so hard to be indexed by Google a consequence of the effort of the search engine in selling ads?


The problem with being indexed in Google.

When it comes to index, process, and storing information from the web in web crawls, that costs money. It consumes energy… it demands infrastructure, manpower, and many more things. Indexing the content of the world has been the prime model of search engines. Because it opened the opportunity to learn more about the population using big data and be more effective to offer stuff… and eventually… to sell ads.

However, the problem is that we seem to be hitting a ceiling when it comes to indexing capacity. Internet is advancing at such a high speed, that sometimes more content is being created going beyond the small niches of previous years. Day to day… same content, same guides, same things… and then things are like this… an extreme amount of content that can’t be indexed as it should be.


Why is this happening?

Gary Illyes, on SEO Day in March 2022… said an amazing fact: “Over 60% of the Internet is duplicate”. Google and other search engines are in a constant need to crawl content every day… and if there are so many duplicates, why should they make efforts in crawling this. There is a quality threshold… but that doesn’t seem to be enough.


Solution: Smarter Content Production

When Google checks thresholds of quality, they also include something called source types, which per se have different quality thresholds as well. So you need to find out which kind of source types are more suitable for your brand, niche, or sector and focus on producing content that meets the quality thresholds for that source type.


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Is it getting harder to be indexed in Google?